CODA Music System2024-07-29T16:25:53-05:00


Achieve More with Music

Research shows that staying engaged with lessons in the first two years is the number one way to ensure proficiency, enjoyment, and future success as a musician. This is why we developed our own internal musical pathway for our students: The CODA Music System.

The CODA Music System is a proprietary musical pathway that provides ROOTS Music students and parents clear visibility into their path to success from total beginner to college or industry ready musician.

We believe that students become empowered to gain deeper inspiration and commitment to continued growth as we spotlight every small victory along the pathway of success. Every achievement—whether great or small—deserves to be celebrated.

“When our students walk through our doors we want them to feel inspired and motivated to explore every part of their creativity. We designed the CODA Music System to cultivate their commitment to become the musician they’ve always dreamed of. With each new level of success their confidence in their ability to achieve their goals, flourishes.”

Emily Lindsey

Music Director +
CODA Co-Founder

Benefits of CODA

When your student enrolls at ROOTS, they’ll be guided along a pathway toward success with opportunities for positive reinforcement and specific feedback on their creative development.

Some of the benefits of this journey include:

  • Strengthens the relationship between student and mentor
  • Makes learning fun
  • Honors and encourages commitment
  • Provides opportunities for problem-solving and guidance through every challenge they face
  • Prepares students for performance reviews and critiques in a professional setting
  • Fosters a growth mindset and a can-do spirit

The Research

The CODA system is based on a series of best practices identified by the American Psychological Association to boost student success by increasing their engagement in learning. Some of those elements include:
  • Giving students agency and autonomy – self-guided learning
  • Creating personal connections with mentors
  • Pursuing both enjoyment and challenge in the work
  • Making learning relevant to life
  • Rewarded for effort – not ability, contributing to a “growth” mindset instead of a “fixed”


CODA is a journey for students to reach their potential and achieve their dreams through levels of achievement.


Discovery Level

In the Silver Level, students will learn the basics of music and their instrument, establishing a steady foundation while having fun along the way.


Performance Level

In the Gold Level, young musicians will continue building their instrument knowledge while focusing on honing their performance skills and gaining confidence on stage.


Innovation Level

As students progress to the Platinum Level, they will begin to explore their artistic identity and develop their own unique musical style.


Proficiency Level

The Diamond Level represents mastery and ownership of the instrument and prepares students for success at a collegiate or industry level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CODA Music System?2024-05-23T13:15:28-05:00

CODA is a proprietary progress tracking system designed exclusively by our team of mentors at ROOTS to empower students, ensuring they are set up to thrive as they pursue new levels of creativity. Learn more about CODA and the various levels of achievement by visiting our CODA webpage.

How does CODA work? 2024-06-03T14:13:17-05:00

CODA is primarily utilized by mentors in the lesson room to ensure that students are receiving a consistent, comprehensive and well-rounded music education. Each level of CODA contains a rubric — a set of content standards that mentors use to assess and evaluate a student’s progression toward proficiency with their instrument. Lessons will continue to be tailored to each students’ interests and creativity. CODA simply ensures that progress is always being made, measured and celebrated.

Can my child skip levels?2024-05-23T13:16:53-05:00

Levels are determined both by proficiency and time invested, so in most cases, skipping levels is not possible. However, if you feel your student is needing more of a challenge, please consult their mentor for an appropriate recommendation.

Can my student opt-out of participating?2024-05-23T13:17:39-05:00

The CODA system is now part of the standard curriculum for ROOTS music lessons. Participation isn’t optional in that sense. Please know that this system is specifically designed to encourage and inspire your student to achieve more and reach their musical goals. It will never be used to make them feel like they’re not winning or not good enough. Levels are based on proficiency and not graded.

As a parent, how can I best support my child’s creative endeavors?2024-05-23T13:18:12-05:00

We LOVE this question! You can enhance your student’s experience with active, positive encouragement. Knowing they have your support will cultivate your child’s interest and keep them open to learning and growing as an artist. It’s as easy as taking a few moments to be present with them while they practice and cheering them on when they rise above a challenge.


If you have any questions about our program, please don't hesitate to call or email one of our team members:

Emily Lindsey - Music Director
Josh Ashley - Music Operations Manager
Lori Kairdolf - Scheduling Coordinator
 Alexys Halstesgard - Music Operations Coordinator
(615) 804-1177, ext. 1

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