Why is Liability Insurance required?


Renting our space means that your event attendees are in direct agreement to do business with you, not with ROOTS Academy. Because of this, you are legally liable for any incidences that could occur during your rental, including but not limited to bodily injury, associated medical costs, personal injury, and damage to ROOTS property. [...]

Why is Liability Insurance required?2024-03-26T12:35:27-05:00

How often will OnStage Bands perform live?


Bands will participate in multiple live performances throughout the year. Performance opportunities range from playing at the semi-annual OnStage Band Show, RMA FEST, as well as at local festivals and music venues in the Franklin/Nashville area.

How often will OnStage Bands perform live?2023-06-28T15:35:30-05:00

Does my child have to be enrolled in private lessons at ROOTS to audition for a Band?


Band Auditions are open to musicians 11 years and older, even if they’re not currently enrolled in private lessons at ROOTS. However, once accepted into the OnStage program, all members must be committed to private lessons at ROOTS (recommended) or show proof of enrollment elsewhere.

Does my child have to be enrolled in private lessons at ROOTS to audition for a Band?2023-06-28T08:46:28-05:00

Does every musician who auditions make a Band?


Due to the limited number of Bands and the limited number of slots in each group, not every student will be placed in a Band. During placement we take into account both skill level and age, while doing our best to build well-balanced Bands. If you are not initially placed in a Band, and [...]

Does every musician who auditions make a Band?2023-06-28T15:34:55-05:00

What’s involved in the OnStage audition process?


OnStage Live Auditions for the 2023-24 Band session are July 14* from 10AM-2PM. *If a student is not available on July 14th, makeup auditions are July 21. Live Auditions will consist of a brief interview in addition to a demonstration of musical ability and stage presence. Audition materials can be found here. All auditioning [...]

What’s involved in the OnStage audition process?2023-10-19T10:17:09-05:00

How many people are in a band?


Band size and composition will follow a general line up to include the following; 1 vocalist, 2 guitarists, 1 bassist, 1 keyboard player, and 1 drummer. Though this is not always possible, bands will never include less than 3 members (i.e. guitar/vocals, bass, drums) or more than 7 members. This is to allow maximum playing [...]

How many people are in a band?2022-05-09T16:08:19-05:00

When and where are band rehearsals?


All rehearsals are 2 hours long and are held in our Band Rehearsal Studio in the ROOTS Academy Annex building (328 Southgate Court). Bands will rehearse once each week on the same day and time with exact days and times being determined at the beginning of the season.

When and where are band rehearsals?2023-06-28T15:33:08-05:00

What gear is provided for band class?


ROOTS will provide the majority of the gear required for rehearsals and performances, however members will need to bring everything they need for their instrument. Guitarists will need to bring their instruments and are strongly encouraged to bring their own amp, pedals, and cables. They will need to bring any accessories as well such [...]

What gear is provided for band class?2023-06-28T15:32:26-05:00

Can my child participate in a Band with multiple instruments?


Students wishing to participate in the OnStage Band program will be allowed to perform on multiple instruments with their band if and when the situation is in favor of all band members. For example, vocalists that also play guitar or keyboard players that also sing. These circumstances will be dealt with in a case-by-case scenario [...]

Can my child participate in a Band with multiple instruments?2023-02-27T21:27:01-06:00
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